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Male Orgasm Tip #1: Male orgasm denial (or Edging )
Learn to be confident when you're getting "close"

This male masturbation technique is an adaptation of the one described in Dr.
Barbara Keesling's book, How To Make Love All Night…. And it teaches
you how to get "close" without panicking and "blowing it".

Bonus! Practicing male orgasm tease and denial will not only increase your
staying power,
it will also greatly intensify your male orgasm.

Do Male Masturbation Technique #2 before attempting this male masturbation
technique as this one requires more control.

Male Orgasm Tip #2: Increase your masturbation time

One of the main causes of quick male orgasms is that we've trained ourselves
to be "quick-shooters" by setting a goal to come as soon as possible during

This male masturbation technique asks that you try to double your
masturbation time every week until you can easily jack off for 30 minutes or
more (e.g. if you currently come within 1 minute, increase your male
masturbation time to 2 minutes the first week, 4 minutes the following week and
so on…)

First, divide your arousal into 10 distinct levels, where 1 is when you're
just starting to get aroused and 10 is inevitable orgasm. Use this chart to help
you understand (using an
Endurance Jack
may increase the realism of your practice time):

Arousal Level Signs/Arousal Level

  • No arousal whatsoever
  • Slight twinge at the base of your penis as you begin to get aroused
  • Slight twinge at the base of your penis as you begin to get aroused
  • Low, steady level of arousal. More than level 3 but to a point where
    you need to continue
  • You are getting into it and do not want to stop but you're not quite
    aroused enough to worry about ejaculation.
  • You are getting into it and do not want to stop but you're not quite
    aroused enough to worry about orgasm.
  • You're really into it. Your face is flushed and your heart is
    pounding. There's no stopping now!
  • You're really into it. Your face is flushed and your heart is
    pounding. There's no stopping now!
  • You're completely absorbed and approaching orgasm. On false move
  • Orgasm!!! – with or without ejaculation

The key to this male masturbation technique is to learn to stay in between
levels 8 and 10 (without going to arousal level 10) by learning to peak
from 8 to 9 and dropping your arousal level back down to 7 or 8. Here's an

A strong PC muscle is vital for it is the pc muscle that will help you
control your arousal levels. Quickly squeezing your pc muscle is a
"quick-and-dirty" way to reduce your arousal level. After enough peaking
practice and a very strong pc muscle, you will no longer need to squeeze your pc
muscle in order to control your arousal. You will have trained your body to
automatically do it.

Level 2–(1 minute)–>Level 4–(3
)–>Level 6–(5 minutes)–>Level 8–(2
)—>Level 9–(2
–>Level 7–(1 minute)–>Level 8–(2
)—>Level 9–(2
–>Level 7–(1 minute)–>Level 8–(2
)—>…[more practice]…–>Level 10 (ORGASM).

The male masturbation technique of peaking teaches you to decrease your
arousal when you're getting "close" (Level 9) instead of panicking to Level 10
(the point of no return).

Practice peaking every time you masturbate. Be patient with yourself. At
first, you may go too far; but, soon you'll master this male masturbation
technique and master your own orgasm…and Become a Great Lover.

Male Orgasm Tip #3: Do not orgasm every time:

This male masturbation technique may sound ridiculous but let me
explain…You see, as men, we are goal-oriented. And so, when it comes to sex,
we have a goal of orgasm.

This male masturbation technique will help you master your own male orgasm by
"loosing-up" your need to orgasm; and in doing this, you'll find that you're
free to just enjoy the ride without having an orgasm. This takes the focus off
onto your partner; ensuring that you're both fully satisfied.


The new male g-spot orgasm! Yes, there really is a magic pleasure button in a man’s body that, when stimulated, will produce mind blowing, unending orgasms. This magic button is called the prostate and these are actually prostate orgasms. The male g-spot orgasm is really a dream orgasm that is closest to its female counterpart from which it gets its name. Men who swear by it say that it is the most powerful and intense orgasm they admit having experienced.

The important nerves that control the sexual organs, including those controlling erection, orgasm, and ejaculation, converge at the prostate and the perineum area. The prostate, perineum, and anal sphincter hold important roles in male sexual orgasms and have further roles to play in the over all health of men too. For this reason, prostate massage has been very effective means for healthier and enhanced sexual functions since ancient times. Classic sexual tomes such as the Kama Sutra expound upon the vast sexual potential hidden within the prostate and the innumerable health and pleasure benefits of the male g-orgasm.

The male g-spot orgasm is not just different from the female g-spot orgasm, but also from regular male orgasm. Most men who have experienced a male g-spot orgasm will describe it as a deep and very powerful, dry orgasm, unlike any they have experienced before without any external sexual organ stimulation. Moreover, the male g-spot orgasm is much more prolonged and satisfying than regular male orgasms since they are very deep rooted and are a result of the stimulation of three or more erogenous zones at once. Lets understand the few factors involved that differentiate a man’s g-spot orgasm from a regular orgasm.

Ordinarily, when the brain is stimulated either physically by external sexual organ stimulation or emotionally, it sends signals to the nerves responsible for an orgasm. When a man indulges in prostate stimulation, the prostate massager or stimulator, itself physically and directly stimulates those nerves resulting in a touch sensitive, pure quality male g-spot orgasm. Thus, an intense, prolonged, multiple orgasm can be easily achieved by directly stimulating those nerves by using a good quality, prostate stimulator unlike regular orgasms that are purely tactile and external.

Not only does the male g-spot orgasm far exceed the pleasure of a regular orgasm, it can also be achieved independently, without a partner. Your anal sphincter will provide everything you need; perfectly tailored to your own preferences, to experience the most transcendental orgasm you have ever known. Furthermore, when you combine prostate stimulation with other love making techniques, the enhanced male orgasm can be intensified into a terrific mind blowing experience. Men who have experimented and experienced the male g-spot orgasm have been able to enjoy the experience for more than an hour with a succession of 6 or more individual orgasms, each with duration of one to three minutes. Something that you can never really imagine with a regular orgasm!

For most men, the g-spot orgasm has been an elusive dream heard or talked about but never experienced. The nerves located in the prostate are deep within the body and not easily reachable, leaving the prostate as an unexploited source of pleasure and sexual ecstasy only alive in fantasies of men. But today, thanks to scientific and creative innovations, a male g-spot orgasm is within reach using a prostate stimulator. Our article on prostate stimulator will tell you more about the prostate gland and how its stimulation can result in the fantastic g-spot orgasm.

You can pick from millions of shapely and effective, manual or electric prostate stimulators to experience the no-more-mysterious male g-spot orgasm. Though there are dozens of manufactures in the market not all of them take the responsibility of your well being. We recommend Aneros prostate stimulator with its patented, novel design specially so created to reach deep and hard, but safely. Aneros stimulates all internal and external sexual organs including the anus itself, by its own contraction, to give you a high quality male g-spot orgasm. Since it stimulates all three erogenous zones in the prostate, it helps to create an intense, multiple male orgasm, unlike any you have ever achieved. So hurry and get one now!


Less spoken about than practiced, prostate massage is a topic of much discussion and debate. While hundreds of men are already reaping the fruits of a regular prostate massage, many still wonder if it is really useful at all. Well, to put all your haunting prostatic queries to end, read on to discover the many pleasures and health benefits of massaging the prostate gland or the male g-spot!

Situated at the root of the penis, the prostate is a small gland responsible for male reproductive and urinary functions. While on one hand it produces the seminal fluid on the other it also controls the urine flow in a man. Externally it can be stimulated or massaged by rubbing the area between your testicles and anus, also called the perineum. Internally, the prostate gland is about two inches from the anus and can be stroked with your fingers inserted in the anus.

Richly supplied with blood vessels and nerve endings, the prostate is very sensitive to touch. Prostate stimulation, externally or internally, produces a warm, tingling sensation running down your spine and is one of the most pleasurable sensations for a man. This is just one of the many reasons that anal penetration feels pleasurable to men and they often indulge in prostate massage on a regular basis. In many cases, men experience the most ecstatic orgasms when indulging in a prostate massage.

However, there are a lot of doubts about whether prostate massage on a regular basis can actually make you gay or impotent, perhaps because they are so pleasurable. For those men who are heterosexual and fear that anal play may lead to homosexual feelings or that someone will think they are gay, here’s some enlightening news. Prostate massage as a therapy and a tool to increase sexual performance and pleasure has been recommended by doctors the world over since ancient times. Even today, prostate massage is the simplest and safest reply to many of haunting sexual troubles that men suffer from!

Now that you are convinced that inserting something in your anus will not make you a homosexual, lets explore the many health benefits of prostate stimulation. Intended to prevent and cure prostate diseases that have troubled the male gender for centuries, prostate massage explores a new and natural method of treating these ailments. When practiced on a regular basis, it has helped many men recover from incontinence and other bladder and prostate dysfunctions.

Many doctors recommend that men examine themselves often by checking the condition of their prostates through a prostate massage. You can determine the condition of the prostate by feeling for changes in size and resilience. Checking your prostate as often as possible or at least every few months will help you to establish a standard for yourself. By doing so, you will be able to detect any changes in the size and flexibility of your prostate. A very hard, enlarged, or painful prostate is an indication of a disorder that could lead to cancer or some other major problem.

The technique of prostate massage actually involves three organs of the male reproductive system: the prostate gland, the seminal vesicles, and the ampulla, which is the reservoir holding the male sperm just prior to ejaculation. Since all the three organs are stimulated during a prostate massage, its benefits are manifold. Traditionally, doctors would massage their patients’ prostates regularly to cure or prevent disease. Thankfully, you don’t have to be embarrassed anymore. You can practice prostate massage yourself or have your partner do it for you.

You can also try the medically researched and designed Aneros prostate massager developed specifically to massage the prostate-perineum. By far the most effective of any prostate massager, it is the only prostate massager anatomically designed to work perfectly with the male body. You can simply position Aneros into the anus for a thoroughly relaxing prostate massage. For best results, allow 10 to 20 minutes for relaxation and try meditative breathing exercises during this time.

And if you would rather try prostate massage without external instruments or help from your partner, you can employ kegel exercises to help you. Developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel in 1946, these simple exercises for the pubococcygeal muscles, which circle the anus, are very effective at giving you a prostate massage. Whatever be your choice, masturbation, sex, massagers or kegel exercises, try out prostate massage to experience a new healthy and sexy way of living!











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Prostate orgasms can be the best and most wonderful orgasms that a man can have. This is because of the unique way in which they are triggered. Located in a very important part of the male body, the prostate is surrounded by all of the nerves that connect the sexual organs to the brain. Because of its extreme proximity with hundreds of nerve endings, a simple prostate massage can do far more to set off these nerves than any other sexual play making prostate or male g-spot orgasms an unforgettable experience, every time!

Men who have experienced these prostate orgasms agree that it possibly the closest a man can get to experiencing convulsing, throbbing, out-of-the-world orgasms that women experience. Different from regular male orgasms in both intensity and sensations, these orgasms are much more prolonged and satisfying. It is small wonder then that the prostate has come to be known as the male g-spot after its female counterpart and prostate orgasms are called as male g-spot orgasms.

Prostate orgasms are simple to have and can be achieved alone or with lovers. You can try exploring the prostatic ecstasy by externally stimulating your perineum. It is the area lying between the anus and the scrotal sacs and covers the prostate from the outside. The gentle caresses of your lover in this area will really drive you mad with pleasure. Or if you want to go all the way, try exploring the actual prostate massage by inserting your finger through the anus to reach the prostate. Or you can ask your partner to help.

Besides the tremendously powerful orgasms, prostate stimulation has many more benefits than just pleasurable ones. There are many health benefits that can be gained by having orgasms in this way. For one, prostate stimulation and prostate orgasms have been linked to maintaining a strong and healthy prostate gland. Considering the number of men who suffer from prostate enlargement or prostate cancer every year, this is a major issue, and prevention should be something that’s definitely on your mind.

Prostate orgasms are not just for gay men, thousands of straight men engage in prostate stimulation daily. In fact, just like masturbation, having these orgasms can increase your vitality. Men who engage in prostate stimulation have reported an increase in sexual virility and have adopted prostate orgasms as a healthy and safe masturbation technique. Even doctors and therapists recommend prostate stimulation to increase the strength of your sexual muscles just like other exercises. Prostate orgasms have also helped many men overcome premature ejaculation by regular exercise of the prostate gland, which is responsible for it.

Along with individual health benefits, prostate orgasms are also a great supplement while men are taking Viagra. On one hand while Viagra will provide chemicals to increase your sexual ability, prostate orgasms will increase your ability to perform through physical exercise. Not only will your enhanced sexual performance reveal new sexual highs for you, it will also help you score with your lover!

It can be a little difficult for some men to try out prostate orgasms without external help. Fortunately, there are many different products on the market that are specifically designed to give great prostate orgasms. Aneros is one such prostate stimulator that has become a hit with men who enjoy prostate orgasms. Because of its unique cone shaped design and the super smooth soft feel, Aneros is very simple and comfortable to use. Unbelievable as it may sound, the Aneros prostate stimulator is technically designed to use the muscles and movements of your own body to give perfect prostate orgasms every time it’s used.


Male Anal Orgasm – Why It Should Interest You!

Male anal orgasm is no
more a subject discussed in secret. Today’s man is not just satisfied with
a complacent sex life, with a thrice a week routine or the regular
you-on-top, I-on-top issues. Men are evolving and are reviving their
sexuality everyday and want to explore all the ways of admiring and
enjoying their bodies through intercourse or masturbation. With the new
millennium, male anal orgasm has become one of the latest and
trendiest techniques that men of all ages are trying out.

What was once the domain or so-called
domain of gay men has been open heartedly exploited by straight men too.
Anal masturbation for men, with all the stigma of being labeled a ‘gay
thing’ has donned a new avatar – of complete and intense sexual
satisfaction – for men of all orientations and preferences. With a keener
interest in the functioning of their own bodies, and the incredible
pleasure achieved through male anal orgasm, men have been able to
achieve deeper and more satisfying orgasms than ever before.

If you are one of the many men who envy
women for their endless, throbbing and passionate orgasms, here’s news for
you. You can experience them too! And no, we don’t mean a sex change; it’s
much simpler than that! The new male
g-spot or the prostate gland in men holds the key to anal pleasures
for men. male anal orgasm includes teasing, caressing and massaging
the prostate to attain thrilling and deep, dry male g-spot orgasms.

If you are a beginner at male anal orgasm, we suggest we try out feeling your prostate on your gently.
Reach out gently into your anus to locate and massage the gland. Once you
are aware of your sexual responses to
prostate stimulation and confident
that you will enjoy male anal orgasm, you can be a little innovative
and try out various anal sex toys for men available in the market. Though
there are a number of brands available the
Aneros massager is gaining popularity as one of the best anal toys for

Aneros is
simple, mechanical prostate stimulator that can be used as a safe and
truly satisfying male toy. The prostate, perineum, and anal sphincter hold
vital roles in male sexual orgasms. The patented, pioneering design of the
Aneros massager simultaneously stimulates all three of these erogenous
zones directly to unleash their potential in creating intense, dry
multiple orgasms for you. With the new Aneros, you can revive the punch in
your sexual life.

The gentle thrust of the Aneros with open
an unexploited source of pleasure and sexual elation you never knew
existed within you. The innovative design of the Aneros allows for
effective, simultaneous massage of the prostate, the juncture point of the
left and right ampulla of vases and seminal vesicles, and the acupressure
point of the perineum. This helps you to achieve a very deep orgasm unlike
the regular penile orgasm that is superficial. Aneros enables stimulation
of all internal and external organs at the same time both directly and
indirectly making your male anal orgasm session actually put some of
your best sexual episodes to shame.

Prostate or anal orgasms can also benefit
you in more ways than one. Besides the incredibly satisfying orgasms, anal
orgasms can actually make you healthier. The important nerves that control
the sexual organs in men, including those controlling erection, orgasm,
and ejaculation, converge at the prostate and the perineum area. For this
reason, male anal orgasm has been very effective means for healthier
and enhanced sexual functions since ancient times. For most men, this area
has never before been directly stimulated in a way to trigger orgasms
since male anal orgasm was never even considered!

Besides the pleasure health benefits,
male anal masturbation can significantly help to tone and strengthen your
PC muscles. This is the basis of
Exercises, established in aiding problems of the lower tracts such as
urinary incontinence. This type of toning that results from male anal
masturbation not only sensitizes and activates the nerves within this
area, but also strengthens the muscles and can help avoid prostate cancer
and urinary tract ailments. Furthermore, since anal contractions play a
large role in orgasm, better control of these muscles can help improve,
control, and intensify your orgasms too!


How to Self Fuck Yourself – A Man’s Guide

Self Fuck Video

How can a man get fucked and fuck at the same time? It’s called the anal self fuck? And it’s easier than you think. It just takes practice and determination!

So why should you be interested in learning to Go Fuck Your Self ? Here are a few reasons:

  • You can self fuck bareback with no risk of disease

  • You get the best of both worlds at the same time

  • Have two types of orgasms at once: a dick orgasm and a prostate orgasm…Intense

  • You control everything so you get it exactly how you like it at the perfect time

  • Bragging rights…I mean, who do you know that can do this…lol

So here’s how to self fuck:

  • Slightly arouse yourself to the point of having a semi-erection

  • With your left hand (assuming you’re right-handed), cup the area under your balls, making sure that your balls are not being crushed…And with the right hand, stroke your dick to maintain a semi-erection.

  • Slowly and carefully, begin to pull your entire balls area up and clockwise while at the same time, move your dick clockwise down. This is where the practice and determination comes in…This will be a slow process but fully worth it.

  • Eventually, you will be able to safely twist your dick and balls in such way as to have them swap positions: you dick down, pointing towards your asshole and your balls up.

  • Make sure you’re well lubed and “ready”

  • Have fun!

Watch this self fuck video to see this in action…It’s hot…He actually cums from fucking himself…

So the next time one tell you to “Go Fuck Your Self“, you can just smile back and say, “I will!”


Male masturbation tips for men that will help you to get the most enjoyment out of jacking off:

Tip#1- Relax and Enjoy the ride:

Many men have anxiety and guilt associated with masturbation. This stems from the shame and embarrassment surround in it from church, parents and childhood.

So the key is to commit to letting all of this go and really sit back and enjoy the God-given privilege of self-pleasure.

Tip#2- Pick a lube that works for you:

Silicone-based lubes are the king of lubricants and retain their lubricating properties better and longer than water-based lubricants and are highly concentrated, so a little goes a long way. They are completely waterproof, making them ideal for use in showers and hot-tubs. Silicone is perfectly safe for internal use as silicone molecules are too big to enter the body through the skin or body linings. Just remember not to use silicone lube with silicone toys.

Oil-based lubes are great for anal sex and both male and female masturbation. They tend to stain fabrics but are very long lasting and never become sticky. They do however destroy latex so should never be used with condoms, diaphragms or cervical cap and are not recommended for vaginal use.

Anal lubes are specially created for use in anal sex. Lubes, like Maximus, Slippery Stuff Gel, Astroglide Gel, and Doc’s Anal Lube are more heavy and viscous, to stay put during anal activities and hold up under the additional friction.

Tip#3 – Use porn to heighten your pleasure and explore your secret fantasies:

Porn can allow you to safely explore your inner most fantasies without leaving your home. Do you like to watch all-female sex? Do you like to watch other men masturbate? Do you like dominating women?

Explore and have fun. There are online straight videos and online gay videos in every genre you can imagine.

Tip#4- Vary your hand positions:

Are you use to masturbating the same old way every time? Experiment with using your other hand. Use both hands. Jack off and play with your balls, your nipples and your perineum (the area between your balls and your anus)- or even your anus.

Tip#5 – Experiment with prostate orgasm:

One of my advanced male masturbation tips: prostate orgasm…Why settle for just the ordinary male orgasm. Experience the intensity of an orgasm through prostate massage.

Tip#6 – Use toys:

Male Masturbation toys can really take you masturbation session completely over the top. And they should as the are specifically design for one thing and one thing only: your pleasure!

Also, for those that want only the very best of everything, a device for male masturbation may be just what the doctor ordered.


Getting tired of “old trustie rightie”? Wanna take your masturbation to the ultimate level? Ready for true virtual sex?

Click here

RealTouch Masturbator – Could this be what you and I have been waiting?!

You know how it is when you’re watching a really horny movie on line? You want to make your own pleasure as real as possible so you find all kinds of toys and ways to make your ‘old right hand’ feel like someone else’s. (Lying on it and sending it to sleep is not recommended.) But nothing quite does the trick like a real mouth or ass or someone else’s old right (or left) hand, so you are left simply jerking off to that hot movie and wishing there was a better way.

Click Here Start having Hot, Nasty Virtual Sex!

Click Here Start Having Unlimited Virtual Gay Sex!

Well, now there is. This is where RealTouch comes in. It’s a sex aid, for sure, and on first inspection it doesn’t look much different from any other masturbation toy. But there is more to it than first meets the eye. Actually there is more to it than first meets the dick as well, as the informative site tells you. It’s self lubricating, heated and easy to clean. But that’s not all.

Unlike other toys of this kind, this one comes with its own videos. Now this is where things get really interesting. We’re told that each video is manually encoded using patented haptic (or touch) technology, so you feel the action that is unfolding on the screen. Basically you view a movie and your RealTouch appliance does the rest for you. Turn the lights down, settle in, and hey presto! You feel as if the hot stud (or girl if you go for the straight videos) in the movie is actually doing what he’s doing but he’s doing it to your cock.

So how do you get to combine the two things? The viewing and the chewing, if you like. Well, you go to the RealTouch site, and you go to the Buy page. Here you will see that although the RealTouch Haptic Device, to give it its proper name, will set you back $199.95, but you also get with it: free delivery (USA), a bottle of lube and 60 free minutes to the protected area that holds the videos. And remember that these videos are linked to the device.

Ok, that’s all well and good. But what kind of videos are you going to get to see, and is it worth spending this money to see them? Here is where the site gets even more interesting. You can check out the list of movies from the Videos page, and there are 220 of them in the gay section, and there are 18 categories to filter them by. You won’t be able to test drive these before you sign up though, so I can’t tell you what the quality is like, but you will see that they are varied. You will also see that the run-times vary from around three minutes up to 10.

And there it is: a simple idea but one that we’ve been waiting years for. You view your videos and your device does the manual, oral and even anal work for you, but it does it ‘in time’ or at least in sync with the action that you’re viewing on the screen. Sounds perfect to me!

Click Here Start having Hot, Nasty Virtual Sex!

Click Here Start Having Unlimited Virtual Gay Sex!


Male masturbation movies- Satisfy your fantasies. Discover how other men please themselves.

Are you somewhat a voyeur? Do you like the idea of watching hot, sexy men pleasuring themselves until they shoot their load everywhere- barely missing the camera?

Male masturbation movies give you the opportunity to jack off with another man without actually being their, fulfill your bi-curious desire without leaving the comfort of your home and to just feel like your having some of the world’s best looking men.

There’s actually a site dedicated to male masturbation movies. And you can even download full-length male masturbation  movies to watch over and over- for up to 30 days!

InstantGayVideos.com, the online gay video site, also has solo male masturbation videos. This option is for men that love to watch gay videos often because there is a flat monthly charge- unlimited viewing. And for those the hate a monthly fee, GaySexFlixxx offers masturbation videos on a per view basis.

But if you’re old fastion and like to watch your videos using a DVD or VCR, TLA has a lot of discounted male masturbation DVDs.

Also, if you like to watch thugs shoot their load. Hardcore Thugz got the goods and more. These thugs play hard and cum hard!

And who knows, you might learn a few male masturbation techniques that will really  rock your world.

Go ahead! Take out your cock and masturbate with these hot men until you both explode…